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What is an appraisal?
  • Real estate and appraisal services in New Orleans

A home appraisal is a professional evaluation of the value of a residential property. It is typically conducted by a licensed appraiser who is trained to assess various factors that can affect a property's worth. The primary purpose of a home appraisal is to determine an accurate and unbiased estimate of a property's market value, which is the price it would likely sell for in the open market under normal conditions.

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What are the Appraisal fees?
  • Real estate and appraisal services in New Orleans

Our residential real estate appraisal fees are quoted based on the size of the property and time required for the writing of a high-quality appraisal report. The fee will be quoted once the address of the property is known and some research to determine the scope of work (SOW) for the assignment has been done. Typical turn times are 2 to 5 business days. We can usually schedule an inspection within 2 business days, and deliver the report 24 to 72 hours later, depending on the complexity of the subject property. You do not have to be a lender or real estate professional to order an appraisal on your own property.

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What types of appraisal reports do we offer?
  • Real estate and appraisal services in New Orleans

Single Family - Call for Quote

Multi-Family - Call for Quote

Tax Protest - Call for Quote

Listing Appraisal - Before a home is listed for sale - Call for Quote

Multi Family Investment Property - Call for Quote

Single Family Investment Property - Call for Quote

Land Appraisal

